Thursday, November 8, 2012

What if you just knew....

It's funny how things turn out. A few months ago a number of things seemed pretty up in the air for me. I was out of a job and job hunting, trying to decide whether to stay where we are in the Berkshires or move back to upstate New York where George is employed. I wasn't sure where I wanted to go with my art either. While I was actively looking at options, job hunting, weighing pros and cons, I was also looking for a sign from the universe that things would turn out for the best.

Then George and I took a road trip, as we love to do. I was telling him about the mish-mash of things on my mind and how peace seemed to be eluding me. After a while we stopped for a cup of tea and to walk around for a bit. George picked up this magnet in one of the shops we visited.



This really spoke to me in that moment and in several moments since. When all seems a bit chaotic around you and solutions are not in sight, just take a deep breath.....and trust...that things will work out perfectly. Maybe things don't turn out the way you imagined them, but nonetheless they can be pretty perfect in the big picture.

So now I have a job I love, we are staying in the Berkshires (yay!), I had two art shows in three months and I've rejoined the artists at 311 North Street again. I'll be moving into my new studio December 1st, joining 18 other wonderful artists. I feel recharged artistically. AND there is really great news to share, my daughter, Christine, is marrying a wonderful young man in two weeks! What if you just knew...

1 comment:

  1. What a great magnet & question! It's something I try to ask myself :)

    And yes! Much to celebrate soon!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I hope you have a wonderful, creative day...